Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Chapter XII - What Will the Witch's Cottage Reveal?

Chapter XII

What Will The Witch's Cottage Reveal? 

by Faith McCann 

Catsandra walked through the woods towards Shermona's cottage, with Sir Pip nestled against her neck. He was keeping a lookout for vagabonds and other scoundrel types. Cat could feel the crinkle of the legal papers Mr. Charles left with her. She had glanced at them briefly but thought she would rather read them more carefully when she was at the cottage. Every dozen steps she took, Pip would peek out from behind her hair and squeak and nestle again behind his hair shield. 

The sun filtered through the dense canopy of the woods to send beams of warm, golden, yellow light to illuminate the path before her with patches of sunlight mixed with dappled shade. The underbrush was thick and dark with lush growth, flowers and the occasional rustle of leaves when a small woodland creature took flight out of their path as they walked by. 

They turned the corner of the path, passed the large guardian tree and saw the cottage. Catsandra, halted her steps to pause and look at the small, but cozy cottage. Small garden beds surrounding it, flowers, vegetables, all a profusion of blossoms, trailing tendrils and bees and butterflies were buzzing drowsily due to the pollen and sunshine. The aroma of leaves, flower petals mixed with the verdant earth from the woods 

Catsandra stared fixedly at the bees. Then rather than proceeding to the cottage, she veered off to the side and went to the back of the clearing in which the cottage and gardens were located. She looked and looked and then finally saw a large Ash tree, covered with all sorts of vines and hanging mosses. It seemed as old as the mountains. She found what she had been looking for. The large gaping hole, where a gigantic bee hive was situated. She could see rivulets of honey flowing down the bark of the old tree. 

"Mistress, there are a lot of bees! I hope they do not bite us!" Pip whispered. 

"No fear little one, this is an important job we are to do. Stay close, and stay calm." 

She went up to the tree, took the wand Shermona had left, and she tapped the tip of the wand against the bark, knocking three times. As the bees started to swarm, she said aloud " Your Mistress is dead, but don't you go. Your new mistress will be good to you." 

The swarm rose high into the sky and disappeared amongst the leaves of the tree. She could hear their sad buzzing at the news that their Mistress was gone. 

She, along with Pip went back around to the front of the cottage. The door was fastened tight. She again held the wand and tapped on the door three times, and the door remained fast. She glanced at her shoulder and could see Pip's confusion on his little furry face. She tapped another three times. Still it held fast. Then another three times and with a soft 'pop' it creaked open. It was indeed the magical key to the cottage. 

'Nine times, she thought. Of course, I'll have to remember that'. 

They entered the cottage. She had expected a cold, dark, dusty place, abandoned since it's rightful owner was horrifically murdered at the Home for the Homeless. Or at the least, to find moldering foods, forgotten chores, to be done, the house in need of care. Instead, she stood inside the doorway and with a bemused look on her face took in the scene before her. 

The fire was crackling cheerily in the fireplace, the dining room table gleamed. Polished to a high luster, not one speck of dust to be seen. The floors were spotless, and even Shermona's cat snoozed on the chaise by the fireplace. Catsandra wondered, "Could Shermona have done this, perhaps arranged for help to come in? But even just now, she had had to use the 'key' to gain entrance.

She walked in and closed the door behind her. She crossed over to the fireplace and put her hands out to warm them. She heard a sudden sound, and spun to see that she and Pip were not alone. Yet it wasn't a spirit who joined them. She inhaled deeply and braced herself as she saw Avi. She then raised her brows as she saw in one hand he held a similar wand, like the one Shermona left her. She looked at the wand she still gripped in her hand and taking a step or two, walked to the large dining table, and gently laid it on the surface. Then with an inquiring look from him, to the wand to him again, she questioned him, silently. 

He softly crossed the room, his motions smooth, easy and carefully laid his wand on the table next to hers. "Yes, she left me a wand to her cottage also." 

"You were already here, inside?" it then occurred to her that the cottage must have tested him also before allowing him entry. 

"Yes, I arrived a little while before you. I saw you go and tell the bees. That was kind of you." 

"No, not kind, necessary." Catsandra, a bit disappointed not to be alone with just Pip and her thoughts, walked slowly around the room, gently touching a teapot with her fingertip, and passing her fingers along a candelabra with several unlit candles and as her fingers swept past, they all flickered to light. Little flames dancing. 

She continued "Many traditions become traditions, not due to superstition or false beliefs, but after having been tested and proven tried and true for countless generations. Some, not all, but some traditions are simply right. Like telling the bees their mistress or master has passed on. They risk dying should they not be informed. We need all the honey bees we can get. Each tiny one, is vital to our world." 

She sat down, suddenly weary and needing to rest. Pip snuggled under her hair and listened and watched carefully.  She took out a pouch from under her cloak and gently took out the urn and placed it on the table. 

"There was a mix up, she never would have wanted to be cremated, but, it is done. It is up to us to give her a proper send off.  Has the Constable found out any further news regarding Mother Shermona's attack?" Her voice was quiet and weary. 

"Well, . . . no." the very manner in which he hesitated caused Catsandra to sit up and stare directly at him. Damn, his shield against her reading his thoughts was infuriating! "You know something!!" her voice was suddenly strong and direct.  "What is it? Tell me!" 

"I don't know anything for sure. All I do know is after Shermona was attacked, the three rougher men who had newly arrived at the Home seemed to vanish into thin air. I know many of us would like to question them."

"I assure you, scoundrels such as that lot, do not have the lightness of being to vanish into thin air. But . . . vanish into the depths of the woods, into the dark forest portion. That indeed would attract them. They won't hide from justice long. Lucky for us, I know the woods well." 

"Wait! What do you mean! It is too dangerous for you to venture into the dark forest to track these men. They have proven how dangerous they are. Mother Shermona had a magic about her, yet she was still struck down. It could happen to you!" He seemed distressed at her determined look. 

"Mona, sadly, trusted far too broadly when she was inside of the Home for the Homeless. She saw only the good in each soul. I do not make that same mistake. Nor do I think I am invincible. Be assured anyone that gets within feet of me will be struck down before I ask any questions. I have a rock solid philosophy, unless I truly know a person" . .  .  she looked carefully at Avi, . . . "I don't know them." 

"Come Avi, let us be going before too much time passes. We can get deep into the dark forest before needing to make a camp." Catsandra strode over to the door and grasped the handle. She pulled and was surprised at how it held fast. As if the wall and door were made of the same piece of wood. Sealed tight! 

'Unng!" she grunted very unladylike and pulled again. "Grrrr! it won't budge!" she lost her grip on the handle and stumbled back against the table. Breathing heavily, she glanced at Avi, and with a toss of her head, "Why don't you give it a go?" 

Avi smiled, just slightly and went to the door. He raised the wand he had retrieved from the table, "Of course! The wand, I should have thought!" she said to no one in particular.  

Avi tapped the door, nine times and still it held fast. 

"Try it three taps, a slight pause, then three taps, pause and then three taps, and see if that works?" Catsandra offered. It had to be. The wand was key. 

Still nothing came from their efforts. She grabbed up her wand and tried also. After several attempts they both sat down in the soft chairs flanking the fireplace. Both wore a similar gaze of curiosity and intrigue on their faces. Each was thinking hard as to how to solve this magical puzzle. 

Catsandra stopped her possible solutions from flowing one to another, and looked over at Avi, quizzically. She started to smile, and he caught her smile. 

"What?" he raised a brow as he looked at her. 

"I'm just thinking, most men would have tried to break down the door with their shoulder or kick it once, at least once. Hmmm, but not you."


"Why?   Do you know why it wouldn't have worked or did you simply choose not to do so?" 

"Magic secures this place. No amount of force will power through the barricades. One must use the proper keys, the right magic seems required." he answered still reclined in the softly upholstered chair but looking around, his sharp eyes taking everything into account. 

"I cannot but help feeling that the answer, like to a puzzle, of getting back out of this building is here. Right in front of us. Why do you think she wants us to stay here?" 

"Shermona? Hmmm, most likely to get us to play nice with one another!" Catsandra looked around and raised her voice slightly "See, Mother Mona, we are friends, playing nicely. Now unlock the door please." 

A slight chuckle, as if blown upon the wind echoed around them and then seemed to come down the fireplace chimney and they both for just a second, froze . . . looked at one another and laughed. 

A loud smack sounded throughout the small cottage as a large, heavy, leather bound book fell off of the bookshelf at the far wall of the main room and it seemed to glow a faint yellow glow, as if lit from within with tiny candles. 

Catsandra and Avi both rose to their feet and looked at one another and then walking together went over to the book. They each approached it from opposite sides as if it were a wild animal they might have to corner and capture!  Both got down on their knees and each stretched out a hand, allowing it to hover over the cover and then . . . both laid their hands down on the cover at the same time. A loud squeak sounded from under the cloaks hood nestled around Cat's neck. 

"No book should lie upon the ground." she carefully picked it up and cradling it like a baby brought it over the the table and laid it on top. She carefully opened the top cover and saw it written "Grimoire". They both knew, as did most people at this time, that a grimoire was a book of recipes, many healing, magical, and mysterious. Known mostly only to the person who owned the grimoire. 

"Perhaps the answers we are looking for are within this book?"

"Are you serious?" Avi scoffed "That isn't a book, as much as it is a tome! And it will take us months to read through everything. I don't suppose it has an index of any sort?" 

"Here, sit, read." She held out a chair and opened the book. Avi sat down and started to flip through. He pulled a candle closer to illuminate the pages.

"What will you be doing?" he casually flipped through pages showing charts, color wheels, pressed plant leaves with detailed descriptions. Dates, times, symbols and some looked so very old. More like tiny pictures, stick figures of sorts, than letters as he knew them. 

"Ssssh . . . I am sensing. That which should be here and that which shouldn't." She closed her eyes almost fully shut but she could see every item in the room and it's auric field as it glowed around it. She stood in the center of the room and slowly circled around. Taking her time. Seeing the energy of all of Shermona's precious items she had left behind and Catsandra's own crystal ball tucked behind other vases and figurines on the mantle! 

"My Crystal Ball!!" She opened her eyes fully and saw that it was very nearly hidden, if it had not been for her being able to sense it's energy which was in sync with her own, she might not have seen it at all. But she knew Shermona had arranged this. So, did that mean she knew this was going to come to pass? 

She reached up and it seemed to fly into her hands, the base and the ball as if the two pieces were one. She placed them in the center of the table. 

"Well, this is indeed a fortunate turn of events! You can stop looking Avi. This is our door to getting out of here." She smiled at him, and he reluctantly looked up from the confusing and mysterious symbols and swirling patterns that seemed as if he was gazing at the galaxies in the heavens above, yet were no constellations he had ever seen! He had a frown of concentration on his face and as he glanced up at her face transformed by the full, happy smile of her discovery, he felt suddenly as if he had been struck by a masthead . . . hard! What was she saying, . . . ? 

"Avi!? Did you hear me?" What was wrong with this man? Sometimes he got a shuttered look over his eyes and he grew quiet. She pushed it down, deep. She had a feeling, she had encountered so many people who thought her silly, or didn't take her seriously, or even feared her, she brushed it off. She could lick her hurt feelings later. Not that she ever admitted that they hurt, but she had to focus on the moment at hand. 

"Avi, look! here! This is My crystal ball! It was last in my shop. It never leaves, yet .  .  .  here it is!" She stepped back, with another big smile and her arms outstretched as if she had done a magic trick. Sir Pip popped out from his perch and ran down her arm and jumped onto the table. He clapped as loud as his tiny paws would let him! 

Avi looked understandably confused. Why would her crystal ball be such an exciting thing, they needed to escape a locked and sealed cottage, and sometime soon! He smiled as it seemed to please her greatly and looked back down at the Grimoire with renewed concentration. 

'SLAP' her hand, with beautifully manicured fingertips slapped the table right in front of his nose! 

"What! It's beautiful! But I fail to see how finding your crystal ball will help us right this moment. I suggest we focus on the dilemma we find ourselves in." 

Catsandra stood askance with hands fisted and placed akimbo on her hips, her toe tapping in a rapid succession. He glanced up to see not only her but little Pip shaking his tiny mouse head and putting his paw over his eyes as if he simply couldn't believe it! 

Realizing he had somehow made a big mistake, Avi, slowly closed the book and placing his hands carefully on the leather bound book, the smell of the old leather wafting up mixing with the rich smells of the crackling fireplace, he seriously looked at Catsandra and said " I apologize, please explain." 

"That's fine." he grimaced slightly at the dreaded, 'fine' all men of any intelligence fear from the tongues of women if they favor calm, pleasant discourse and peace! 

"Rather than trying to explain, convince or cajole, I will simply show you, shall I?" she smiled what appeared to him to be a slightly wicked smile, as if she was going to enjoy what happened next. 

She placed the packet of papers she had received from the attorney on the table and held out her hand to Pip. He hopped on and ran up to his safe place on her shoulder. 

"What about the packet, is it important?" Avi glanced at the yellowish folder laying on the table. 

"Not at the moment. Whatever Mona wrote in there was in anticipation of, apparently us, taking over responsibility for her place and property. Where that will still stay the same when we return, there is no guarantee her attacker will remain in these parts. He is the unknown we must track down. Or else, everyone could be in danger. We can't possibly know his motive for . . . what he did. here take my hand." 

She reached out her hand and Avi grasped it in his. His palm felt warm to her. Suddenly flashes of vivid pictures flashed through her mind. As clear as if she were witnessing them in real time. Avi, much younger but still handsome and tall, looking up at a high mountain, all around him shimmered golden sands, short cedar trees and ancient olive trees. She saw two large lions in the distance, their bodies undulating as they gracefully ran across the land towards a copse of trees. 

Then she saw him bound, hands tied with thick ropes behind his back and his clothes in tatters as he was forced with other men also in poor condition up a plank onto a large ship. She knew what a ship was but had never seen one up close. She could smell the sharp sting of seawater and she could feel the palpable fear in the hearts of the men brought aboard, all against their will. 

She started to see a large figure holding a bullwhip raised high above his head and as it came down with a sharp 'CRACK' she opened her eyes, gave her head a slight shake and smiled at Avi. There will be time enough to process what she had just seen. 

"Come now, it won't hurt. We are best off on our way, to see what can be seen. Before much more time has passed." With all three in physical connection with one another, Catsandra reached out her free hand and placed it upon the large crystal ball. With a feeling like a slight tremor, aftershock from an earthquake Avi felt everything around him shimmer and get warm. He found himself looking in her eyes, and felt as if he was falling into her eyes. They were big, deep and then .  .  .  

Avi heard the sounds of the forest birds, the rustle of small creatures in the underbrush and he could feel the wind, as it brushed against him. Wait .  .  .  they were outside?! He could tell he was standing, with Catsandra still holding his hand on a path that led from the village into the woods, and they were at the entrance, if you will, of the Dark Forest. It was plain, as there were signs, declaring Danger up ahead! Do Not Enter!! You were warned!! 

He felt her let go of his hand and she brushed her hair back and took a deep sigh. "Are you okay? That wasn't so bad, was it?" She brushed her skirts and peered under the collar of her cloak and saw Pip happily holding onto his little perch. 

"I'm fine. A clever way to travel, indeed." he commented

"Well, faster and more inconspicuous than other modes of transport. Let's go, it's best we go down this path to the left, why is it always to the left? Seriously." Without a look towards him she strode off down the path. He heard a slight squeak from her passenger and with a raised brow and a slight smile he followed the feisty witch. 

* * *  * * *  * * * 

From the Author:  I hope you are enjoying the story of the Rag and Bottle Shop. If so, please follow my page! I am enjoying sharing the adventures of Catsandra and her familiars and the community of Castlewick with you. Please feel free to share this blog link to other fans of magical, fantasy fiction. 

I write my stories using the inspiration of the incomparable Charles Dickens who wrote and published his work during the 1800's in Great Britain in installments. Mr. Dickens was a strong social critic of industrialization and capitalism, as well as bringing to the public attention the need for social reform. Thank You for reading my work, Faith M. McCann 


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